Breaking The Cycle: Combatting Gun Violence Through Career Advancement

Join us in our mission to combat gun violence by addressing its root causes. Our objective is to spread awareness on the link between economic disadvantage and gun violence, especially in Black communities.


The Facts: Why This Matters

Gun violence is a complex issue, but research shows a clear link between economic disadvantage and its prevalence. Here's what the data tells us:

  • Poverty and Gun Violence are a Tangled Web: Studies indicate a two-way street exists. Concentrated poverty creates an environment more susceptible to gun violence, and gun violence itself can hinder economic opportunity.

  • Lack of Opportunity Breeds Frustration: Research suggests limited economic prospects, particularly for young people, can be a contributing factor to gun violence.

This doesn't mean poverty directly causes gun violence. It's a complex social issue with many contributing factors. However, the data highlights the importance of economic empowerment as a strategy for building safer communities.



firearm homicide victims in 2021 crimes were youths

reported victims of firearm-related violent crime in 2021

Breaking the Cycle: Career Advancement as a Solution

Our project, Breaking the Cycle: Career Advancement to Combat Gun Violence, addresses this connection head-on. By equipping individuals with skills and fostering career development, we aim to:

  • Create positive alternatives: Provide meaningful opportunities that take the place of violence.

  • Empower individuals: Improve financial stability and build a brighter future.

  • Strengthen communities: Invest in the well-being of our neighbours and create a safer environment for everyone.



individuals will be brought together to heal as a community

Career advancement workshops tailored to those impacted by gun violence

How We Are Breaking The Cycle

Our project, 'Breaking the Cycle: Career Advancement to Combat Gun Violence,' aims to address the root causes.

Free Career Advancement Workshops

To equip individuals impacted by gun violence, and those deemed high risk of falling into this cycle, with essential skills in resume writing, job search strategies, and financial education, ultimately boosting their employability.

Awareness Via Social Media Campaign

Share impactful stories and data to educate the public on how career advancement reduces gun violence. Use the hashtags #TradingBullets4Briefcases or #JobsNotGuns to help use spread awareness on this connection. Please tag us so we can amply your story.

A conference featuring a panel discussion with experts raising awareness about this connection, a "Black Joy" Healing Session (featuring) traditional African methods of community healing such as dance, music, and drumming to promote collective healing of trauma caused by gun violence , and a career fair to connect individuals to employers.

Breaking the Gun Violence Cycle Conference

Contact Us

For inquiries or partnership opportunities, please reach out to us using the form below.